They Just Don’t Get It

“They just don’t get it.” How many times has marketing said that about sales? Organizations tend to put up walls between departments. The one between marketing and sales can be especially difficult to scale, particularly when the topic is following up leads generated by events. I’ve been… learn more >

Really CONNECT With Your Audience

I’ve attended three industry conferences in the past four weeks. I’ve attended a handful of keynote addresses and sat through dozens of presentation sessions. Two were inspiring. A few were mediocre. Most were disappointing or downright annoying. Why? The speakers, all of whom were highly accomplished professionals… learn more >

Face to Face Marketing

For years now, trade show and event marketers have invested valuable budget dollars in media and technology only to see those investments routinely ignored by attendees and prospects that walk right by, unaware of the experiences created for them. This panacea of technology as the… learn more >