Influencing the Influencers

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The gold standard for lead generation has always been to identify the decision maker. That’s as true for events as it is for other marketing channels. In fact, the change in trade show attendance over the past few years has prompted a significant number of exhibitors to focus almost exclusively on those few who have the final say.

I’m not suggesting that we abandon relationships with decision makers, but it may be time to start paying attention to the influencers in the crowd.

Take a look at group dynamics and you can learn a lot about the power that influencers exert. Leadership guru John Maxwell explains how to spot the influencer. When talking to a group, ask the participants to agree/disagree with a statement. Then watch what happens. Frequently, you’ll find most members hesitate to respond. They’ll wait and take cues from other group members. Typically, one or more people in the group will eventually nod in agreement or disagreement. When a majority of the group follow the lead of one particular “nodder” – you’ve found your influencer.

Decision makers frequently surround themselves with influencers – trusted advisers whose opinion they seek before taking action. With attendance at trade show and conventions back on the rise, it’s time to again start paying to these persuasive forces in the sales cycle.