Zero Moment of Truth

20110629 Zero XSmall

I just finished reading the eBook “Winning the Zero Moment of Truth” – Google’s definition of the critical moments that lead to an individual’s decision to purchase a product or service. Since Google is defining ZMOT (as it’s acronymed), it’s pretty much seen as the online research a prospect does before interacting with a brand.

Google author Jim Lecinski builds a compelling case, one that marketers need to explore and exploit. But is Google’s ZMOT the end game it is made out to be?

Isn’t ZMOT really just another touch point on the marketing continuum – albeit a remarkably efficient touch point?

Aren’t tradeshows, meetings, conferences and events touch points that hold equally powerful potential? The potential to disseminate information, provide comparison shopping and share reviews and recommendations? And don’t face-to-face events of all kinds offer one additional advantage that ZMOT – as defined by Google – can’t offer? The advantage of a hands-on experience?

Embrace the potential of ZMOT. But don’t lose sight of the power of face-to-face marketing touch points.