How do you connect?

How do you connect a booth activity to the world? Digital River had a cool ski simulator to attract visitors to their exhibit at Money2020, but they wanted to share the activity with a bigger audience. Check out the Digital River Case Study to see how GetSynchronicity… learn more >


It’s that time of year when annual meetings, conferences and sales kick-offs shift into high gear. Already we’ve seen several high profile presentations and already we’ve seen some eyebrow raising performances. It’s not uncommon for executive presentations to miss the mark. Why? More often… learn more >

Attract a Crowd

How do you attract crowds at a launch event and still provide a personally relevant experience for your guests? Ferring Pharmaceuticals used the hands-on interaction of touch screens – and the challenge of friendly competition – to make learning enjoyable and meaningful at ACG 2012. GetSynchronicity. Connecting… learn more >