Attract a Crowd

How do you attract crowds at a launch event and still provide a personally relevant experience for your guests? Ferring Pharmaceuticals used the hands-on interaction of touch screens – and the challenge of friendly competition – to make learning enjoyable and meaningful at ACG 2012. GetSynchronicity. Connecting… learn more >

Another Season, Another Reason

September beckons. School. Cooler days. Football. Back to the show floor. Is your event program ready? Have you clearly defined the objectives for each show? Demand generation Awareness, education and preference Market research Product launch Other Who is your audience? All attendees? Other exhibitors? Only segments? Have you created a demographic profile? How will… learn more >

Is Your Event Program Smarter Than Your Customers?

Customers and markets are dynamic. They’re forever changing. Moving ahead. Digitally connected. Intelligent. What about your exhibit, meeting or event experience? Here are four tips to make sure your event program is positioned to create value for today’s smart customers. • Identify customers by role… learn more >