How to Increase Tradeshow Attendee Dwell Time

Recent studies* have once again proven something we all understand intuitively: 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. 90% of all human communication is non-verbal. The more senses that are engaged, the more likely a person is to retain information. And my favorite: Average human attention span… learn more >

Keep Calm and Market On

What caused Brexit, and how will it affect the International tradeshow marketplace? The answer is in the title of this blog: keep calm and market on. Kai Hattendorf, Managing Director and CEO of UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, recently stated in an interview that… learn more >

The 5 Languages of Attendee Interaction

I recently came across the book, “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace” by Gary Chapman and Paul White.  It’s an interesting exploration into how to build better relationships with your employees. After reviewing it, I began to think about tradeshow exhibit visitors, and how… learn more >

Rehearsal: Is it Really That Important?

We live in a face-paced world.  This is no surprise.  Virtually ALL information is at our fingertips, and our collective attention spans have shortened commensurately. I make no value judgement about this … it’s the way things are.  This sentiment is also not new. Adults in… learn more >

What Makes Attendees WANT to Come to Your Booth?

The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) recently released the second report in its newest series, 2016 Attendee Retention Insights Part Two: Exhibition Floor Features that Build a Loyal Alumni Attendee Audience. The goal of this report is to provide Tradeshow Management with key attendee… learn more >