4 P’s now 4 E’s

Several years ago, Christopher Graves, President & CEO, Asia Pacific, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, authored a presentation on the changing fundamentals of marketing. In his presentation, Graves explained that the traditionally recognized 4 Ps of marketing are now the 4 E’s of… learn more >

Try the Friendly Skies?

I’m sitting in the Rochester, NY airport waiting out a three hour flight delay. Readers of Synch-Up tend to be road warriors, so most of you have been in this same position many times over. Have you ever noticed the similarities to event… learn more >

Touchpoint Marketing

There’s no lack of industry advice on what and how to measure in a trade show program. Most of it revolves around leads and opportunities, but they’re not the only exhibit metrics worth tracking. The most successful exhibit programs nurture customer relationships through a series of… learn more >

Is Your Event Program Smarter Than Your Customers?

Customers and markets are dynamic. They’re forever changing. Moving ahead. Digitally connected. Intelligent. What about your exhibit, meeting or event experience? Here are four tips to make sure your event program is positioned to create value for today’s smart customers. • Identify customers by role… learn more >

Change up. Shake up. Wake up.

Death by PowerPoint. It’s ubiquitous at most corporate meetings and conferences. For its annual franchise meeting, Exchange 2012, Millicare Textile and Carpet Care ditched the usual format of slide-show-ad-nauseum and brought in a troupe of sketch comedy professionals to engage the audience in… learn more >


Thanks to marketing automation and social media platforms, business marketers today have more interaction with buyers than ever before. Twitter feeds. Facebook updates. Blog posts. Email campaigns. On the flip side, those same technology advances provide buyers with unparalleled opportunities to access information and evaluate… learn more >