
It occurred to me the other day that exhibiting at trade shows was a lot like speed-dating.

You only get a limited amount of time to connect with prospects, identify which ones interest you, and convince them to connect again.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? So when exhibiting, follow these speed-dating basics:

Have a great opening.  Your initial engagement should be well-defined and well-rehearsed, letting the attendee know who you are, what you do, and what you can do for them.

Tell a good story.  Do you like to hear someone drone on and on about what a great person they are?  Of course you don’t.  The same is true of sales conversation. The better approach is to have a great solutions story about your client’s challenges, and how they overcame the problem. This is a must-have element for a one-on-one conversation, an interactive activity and even for a professional presentation.

Make it all about them.  This naturally flows from the previous point.  When you’re crafting your solution stories, start steering the conversation away from your clients and more toward your prospect. They’ll become more naturally interested in what you’re saying because in their mind, it’s all about them.

Have good follow-through.  Don’t leave them all puckered up with nothing to do.  Have a plan for when the conversation ends.  This could be as simple as setting a follow-up conference call, or more complex like arranging an onsite demo or signing up for a trial.  It all depends on your products and sales cycle. But the point is, don’t end the conversation without some definite follow-through.

Of course, just like relationships, there are lots of speed-bumps along the way (pun intended), but the basics must always be observed if you want any chance at success.

So break out the Altoids, and get out there.  But remember to be home by midnight.