Standing Out From The Crowd

be different

I’m a Seth Godin fan. I’ve read most of his books and I read his blog daily. Yesterday Seth wrote, “The reason they want you to fit in is that once you do, then they can ignore you.” Those words reminded me of advice I took to heart early in my career, “Be good or be bad, but don’t ever be boring.” Too many marketers settle for bland. They opt for safe. They gravitate to the middle road. They try to fit in. Then they wonder why they aren’t noticed. I’m sure it’s one of the reasons I was attracted to experiential marketing so many years ago. Experience-based programs almost always involve some calculated risk-taking. They’re the marketing equivalent of standing up in a crowded room and yelling “Fire.” They demand to be looked at and listened to. Others can argue about whether that’s good or bad. Me? I’m happy to have the attention, thank you.