Your Tradeshow “Spring Cleaning” Checklist

Spring is almost here, and with it comes a flurry of Holidays across many cultures; Easter, Pesach, and Beltane to name only a few.  Each has their own celebratory components, but they all share one thing in common … they celebrate a time of renewal … a time to inject new energy into our lives, our work, and for the sake of this blog , our tradeshow programs. (How’s that for a segue?)

But how can you do this without having to re-imagine your whole process?  Here is a checklist that details four aspects of your tradeshow efforts that may need a little sprucing up.

1. Pre-event Traffic Building

As far as you’re concerned, your exhibit is the center of the tradeshow universe.  Not so much for everyone else.  Now, more than ever, attendees are creating a “must-see” list so they can maximize their limited time on the show floor.  You need to get on that list.  How?  Email or print mail immediately suggest themselves, but those are passive tools.  Are your pre-event marketing efforts interactive?  Do they deliver actual value, and not simply your marketing message (push vs. pull marketing)?  Are they integrated with your at-show programs, and perhaps augment them?  And what about Social Media?  Are you doing more than simply posting, “Hi  We’re going to be at the Acme Widgets Show in Booth #1234.  Stop on by!”  That’s a scrollable message.  Are you making your Social Media outreach click-worthy?

2. At-show Engagement Programs

Whether your exhibit is a destination on the show floor, or if you’re the new kid on the block, when you do get attendees to visit … how long do they stay?  Are you giving them a REASON to stay, other than to listen to your marketing message?  Sure, your message is important, and a key motivator that helps further a sale, but what VALUE are you delivering?  What can your visitors learn about THEIR challenges that will lead them to consider you as their solution provider?  What is making your message engaging, sticky, and engender positive word-of-mouth?  A brochure rack or backlit signage does not increase attendee dwell time in your exhibit.

3. The Front Line

You have an eye-catching exhibit, and you’ve defined a compelling solution story … are you done?  Not by a long shot.  The #1 aspect of your booth that influences an attendee’s opinion of your company and your solution is … their interaction with your booth staff.  Your in-booth staff is where the rubber hits the road, and all of your pre- and at-event preparation will go straight out the window if an attendee’s booth staff interaction is less than optimal.  The old adage applies; if your visitors have a positive experience, they will tell two friends.  If they have a negative experience, they will tell 20 friends.  Maximize your in-booth experience by making sure that staff knows more than simply your marketing message … make sure they know how to interact and sell IN THE TRADESHOW ENVIRONMENT.

4. Measure Up

The show is over, and you’re event team is sitting around the conference reminiscing about the show.  Anecdotal stories abound about this or that attendee, but when Senior Management enters the room, do you think these “anecdotes” are enough?  Can you prove your Tradeshow Marketing ROI?  Can you communicate to your bosses (and to yourselves for that matter), how well your target audience understood your message, how well your strategy moved the needle, and how successful you were at filling your sales pipeline?  I guarantee that after a few weeks, those GREAT tradeshows anecdotes will wither on the vine, and all you’ll be left with are anemic tales of how “really great” you did at your last show.  “Really Great” doesn’t increase budgets or earn promotions.. Moral:  Stories don’t last; metrics are forever.

Of course, there are many other areas or your tradeshow program that you can review, and each item on this checklist deserves a much deeper dive, but in the spirit of Spring, seize this moment to take a fresh look at your tradeshow marketing and engagement strategies

I’m betting you can find areas that need help … as well as that rake you misplaced last Fall.