Experience Marketing is Dead. Long Live the Experience.

Last week I heard a discussion leader proclaim that Experience Marketing at trade shows is dead.

Really? If his definition of Experience Marketing includes spending large sums of money on frivolous activities then, sure, I’ll agree. Those days are long gone. But I’ve always understood Experience Marketing to be focused on providing a personally relevant experience for every individual that connects with the brand. That’s a goal that isn’t budget-reliant and it sure shouldn’t be overlooked by any exhibitor at any event.

Think about how many different touch points engage visitors in an exhibit. How quickly are they greeted? How authentic and genuine is the staff? Are subject matter experts knowledgeable and helpful? Do they know how to run demos and access information? Are self-directed kiosks and touch screens easy to navigate? Can anyone in the booth get the new wireless iPad lead capture solution to work?

The list goes on.

In today’s hyper-connected world where any prospect can become a viral critic, event marketers need more than ever to assert quality control over all customer touch points. That’s shaping the customer experience and that work is never dead.