Thanksgiving Reflections

I had some time to think over the holiday weekend and took stock of what I’m most grateful for in the exhibits and meetings industry.

Marketers are embracing interaction. Smart badges jumpstart conference networking. Digital media creates relationships before and after events. Interactive media turns passive attendees into active participants. iPads and tablet technology turn reluctant staffers into show-and-tell superstars. Interaction isn’t just for the big brands with big budgets anymore. It’s affordable and it’s everywhere.

Exhibitors are getting real about measurement. I hear less and less about ROI and more and more about “what we can measure” and “what data we can drive.” I think that’s a healthy change in perspective. Certainly it’s a more realistic approach to measuring the value of tradeshows and meetings, where identifying ROI is a time and resource intensive exercise.

Mobile is making face-to-face marketing interesting. Facebook and Twitter. QR Codes and Augmented Reality. Text Messaging or Apps. All of these platforms, and more besides, are finding their way into the event marketer’s toolbox. How are they impacting the customer experience? Which are the most successful? Do they really make a difference? We may not have the answers to those questions for awhile. In the meantime, it’s an exciting time to be in marketing.

What are you most grateful for? Send us your thoughts so we can share.