The Enemy of Creativity

Marketing budgets continue to get cut. No longer just a trend, shrinking budgets are now as much a reality as the 24/7 work week. Getting results on little or no budget requires a willingness to step out and take some risks. To innovate. To get creative.

So why don’t we see more innovation, more pure creative at work in our tradeshows and meetings?

I suggest that it’s because of our priorities. While being creative is one of the most highly valued skills any marketer can bring to a job or a project, it is probably one of the least important things on anyone’s daily To-Do list. Business doesn’t kill creativity. Busy-ness does.

Want to be more innovative with the limited resources you have? Start by placing a priority on creative brainstorming. Schedule a place on your calendar for thinking time. Then protect that time and don’t allow it to be co-opted by a crisis. Lack of creative drive is one of the greatest crises we marketers can face.