Mid-Year Course Correction


Questions have power. Ask the right question at the right time and it can completely change your course of action.

Over the years, I’ve written and spoken about using questions to create better outcomes for our projects and to deliver greater value to our stakeholders. Today – as we approach that time of year when many of us get a breather between the onslaught of spring events and the fall end-of-the-year rush – I thought it appropriate to ask questions of a more personal nature. In January we make resolutions. Why wait till December to assess them? June seems like a fine time to course correct.

So I’m taking a mid-summer inventory. I’m going to ask myself the kinds of questions that I don’t seem to make time for in the other eleven months of the year.

1. Where am I headed?

2. What am I becoming?

3. What can I learn from my mistakes?

That’s my list. What’s yours?