The Get-Synchronicity Social Media Recollection Test (a.k.a. Get-SMRT)

2006_11_scantronIf you’re a regular Synch-Up reader, your knowledge of social media in event marketing is likely a cut above the pack. But how big of a cut? To find out, take our Get-Synch Social Media Recollection Test, aka the Get-SMRT. It’s a quick and easy way to gauge your awareness. It also might win you a free GetSynchronicity social media consultation, if you’re the first person to answer all eight questions correctly! To enter, submit your answers to [email protected] with the subject line “Get-SMRT”; the first respondent with a perfect score will receive a free GetSynchronicity social media analysis for your next live event!

We’ll post the answers later in the week in a separate entry. In the meantime, sharpen your pencils, warm up your browser, and let’s get to it!

1. According to NPD, in the first quarter of 2010, what was the leading operating system for smartphone sales?
a. iPhone OS
b. Android

c. Windows Mobile

2. What is the pricing model for the first phase of Twitter’s new ad model, “Promoted Tweets”?
a. Cost-Per-Impression (CPI)
b. Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

c. Resonance (algorithmically calculated CPC/CPI model)

3. The term “personal branding” was originally conceived in what year? 

a. 1997

b. 2001
c. 2005

d. 2006

4. Users who have an extended rate of exposure (“dwell time”) to online ads have a lower rate of performing related brand-related searches.

a. True
b. False

5. According to a new survey, which demographic group is the most prone to “oversharing” personal information on Facebook?
a. 13-17 year olds, who haven’t learned the importance of guarding their privacy.
b. 18-29 year olds, who don’t take the time or are uninterested in protecting themselves 

c. Older adults, 45+, who don’t understand the privacy settings well enough to use them properly.

6. Which of the following industries demonstrated the greatest total buying plans (the percentage of attendees who plan to buy within 12 months of a trade show or live event) in 2009?

a. Medical

b. Retail

c. Manufacturing/Industrial

d. High Tech

7. Which of the following websites does not currently appear on the Alexa Top 20 Websites ranking?

a., the music search engine

b., the blogging hub

c., the social networking site

d., Microsoft’s search portal

8. Open Ended Question: Choose a non-leading social media network (Not Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Myspace, or Google Buzz). In 150 words or less, describe the network, and your reasoning why this site could lead the next wave of social media. Remember, submit your responses to [email protected], or link us to your answer via Twitter at @GetSynch!