A More Networked New Year Redux


February 2nd. Ground Hog Day and exactly one month since I began my New Year resolution of being a better networker. Punxsutawney Phil’s results? He saw his shadow and we have six more weeks of winter. My results? Almost as depressing.

I haven’t updated my LinkedIn profile. I haven’t commented on any blogs or retweeted any worthwhile posts. Not only have I not responded to any of the discussion threads for the online groups I belong to, I haven’t even read the threads. Worse than all of that, I’ve been deleting from my calendar the dedicated networking hour that I schedule for every Monday morning.

In my defense, we have had a strong start to the year and I’ve been busy taking care of customers. I also spent three days at a face-to-face networking event, something I’ve never done before. Maybe this is one step forward and two steps back.

It’s only February. We still have 11 months to go in 2010 and that leaves plenty of time for self-improvement. I’m going to move that scheduled block of networking time to Tuesday afternoons, which tends to be a more forgiving time slot. Maybe by the time spring emerges my networking skills will have started to blossom. I’ll let you know.