A More Networked New Year

Networked New Year

I’ve learned how to manage New Year Resolutions. I don’t make too many. I don’t try to change all at once, instead taking lots of baby steps. I track my progress and I reward success. This year I’m also building in accountability. I’m publishing my resolution right here where all the blogosphere can see it.

This year I resolve to become a better networker. Hopefully, a few of you will hold me to that goal.

You see, I stink at networking. It’s not that I don’t know how to network. I use calendars and schedulers to remind me. I have accounts on LinkedIn and Facebook to connect me. I even have a Tweet Deck to organize me. My intentions are good, but I’m always distracted by work and deadlines. So this year, I’m trying something different.

I’m dedicating one hour every Monday to networking. That probably doesn’t sound like a big deal to most of you, but for me it’s huge. One hour to update the LinkedIn page, respond to group discussions, launch a few blog comments, and maybe event re-tweet a few choice posts. Maybe it’ll become a guilty pleasure. I’ll keep you posted.

Happy New Year!