Service Trends in Events


Outrageous practices perpetrated by event venues. Quality reductions to disguise cost cutting. Hidden contract fees. The sorry state of the hospitality industry.

I’ve had an interesting two days of online browsing. All my online groups seem to be ranting about the same topic – declining service levels. Frankly, I don’t get it.

The economy, of course, hasn’t been kind to any of us but that’s no reason to squeeze existing customers to make up for the lack of other business. Alienating the precious few customers who are actually spending money doesn’t increase value, build loyalty and develop a go-to reputation.

None of us knows exactly when the economy will cycle back up. Many of us are even wondering what the events industry will look like when it does. The one sure thing that we can count on is that excellent customer service always attracts a following. That’s why it’s seldom mentioned as a trend. It should be a constant.