8 weeks. 9 trade shows. 2 conferences. 6 different industries. I’ve had lots of opportunity this fall to observe face-to-face marketing strategies. One trend I’ve noticed bothers me – the reliance on technology to generate attention. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a big believer in interactive media, Web 2.0, and all things digital. They’re great tools to enhance storytelling, engage the senses and appeal to varied learning styles. But even the most interactive platforms need the presence of a live human being to attract interest, initiate engagement and jumpstart conversations. It’s how we’re wired. We’re social animals. We’re made to connect with other people. I saw hundreds of un-used, un-productive and un-watched videos, kiosks, games and detail stations over the past few weeks. Along with thousands of other attendees, I walked right past them. Pair a staffer, product demonstrator, or professional presenter with any of those activities, and you’d have had me at “hello.”